Cat And Mouse

Details du fichier:

Type de ressource: Jeu dans: English

Ans 10 - 18

Taille du groupe 10 - 50

Temps estime: 45 minutes

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Contenu de la ressource

TYPE: Active

Play in a circle

Two players are chosen.  One to be the "Mouse" and the other to be the "Cat".  All of the other players join hands in a circle.  The cat stands outside the circle and the mouse inside.  The cat must "catch" (tag) the mouse.  The rest of the players help or hinder the cat by raising or lowering their arms.  The cat and mouse can run in and out of the circle, under the other players arms.  When the mouse is caught (tagged), two other players are chosen.


Variation:  Add a time limit.  If the mouse is caught within the time limit, the cat wins and continues to play with a different mouse.  If the mouse is not caught, the cat is replaced and the mouse continues to play.


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» All > Games > Jeux coopératifs
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