Rabbi Akiva Trivia Game
Details du fichier:
Type de ressource: peoula (activite) dans: English
Ans 10 - 15
Taille du groupe 15 - 20
Temps estime: 30 minutes
To learn about Rabbi Akiva.
Matériel requis
Prepare questions as needed.
Contenu de la ressource
1. At what age did Rabbi Akiva start learning Torah? (40)
2. Who was his wife? (Rachel)
3. Who did he work for? (Kalba Savua)
4. Who did R’ Akiva rebel against? (The Romans)
5. What did R’ Akiva dedicate his life to? (learning Torah)
6. How many students did he have? (24,000)
7. What natural occurance convinced R’ akiva that he could learn? (water penetrating a rock)
8. What was R’ Akiva before he became a Talmid Chacham? (a Shepard)
9. What’s the important rule we learn from R’ Akiva? (V’ Ahavta Leraiacha Kamocha)
10. What were R’ Akiva’s last words? (Shma Yisrael)
You can make any game out of these questions. For example, jeapordy or who wants to be a millionaire.
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