Achdut And Pesach

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The Chanichim should understand that achdut does not need to mean that everyone must be the same, but that you can have many different individuals who still can make up a united nation.

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Achdut and Pesach

By Avi Kelin


Chevraya Alef: (Grades 1-6)

Goal:   The Chanichim should understand that achdut does not need to mean that everyone must be the same, but that you can have many different individuals who still can make up a united nation. This is especially important at Pesach, where the Jews first became a nation while enslaved in Mitzrayim

Peulah: The instructions for the peulah are simple. 

  • Before Shabbat cut up a picture into puzzle pieces (the semel is always a good choice; I also like using a printed painting of Monet, because I think it helps make the point that complex beauty can only be realized from combing diverse parts). 
  • Split the chanichim up into small groups (5-8).  Each group must answer a question correctly to earn a puzzle piece, and when all the questions are answered they need to construct the puzzle.  To further stress the point, each chanich should have a tafkid in the group.  One can be responsible for telling the group’s answer to the madrich.  One can be in charge of constructing the puzzle.  A few can take charge of leading the discussion of which answer is correct. 
  • When the puzzle is completed, the sicha should be based on the ideas discussed below.  It’s OK—nay, even good—for people to be different.  The important idea of achdut is that we all work towards the same goal (for example, building a state from scratch).  Mention how our little puzzle would not have been completed without each member of the group fulfilling his tafkid.  Distribute candy, sing Yad Achim a few times, and everyone goes home happy. 

Sicha:   Shmot 19:2 states that “Va’yi’chan sham Yisrael neged ha’har”—“And Israel encamped there across from the mountain”.  Rashi, famously, comments that their encampment was “Ki’eesh echad bi’lev echad”—“As one man with one heart”.  This comment is usually understood as extolling the virtues of Israel, that they were united to the extent that they acted as one person in every aspect.  The question I wish to raise is simple: is such a concentrated unity a good thing?  Does achdut mean that everyone needs to be the same?  Is there no room for individuality of personality and character?  I would like to suggest that there is, in fact, room for such individuality, and that the true meaning of achdut is a unity of purpose and motivation.  Achdut does not mean that everyone has to be the same.  Rather, it means that everyone is different, and we all take our special individual talents to create something great.  This issue, for me, is most poignant regarding our relationship to building the State of Israel.  A state cannot be made up of all the same parts; each individual must develop his talents and dedicate them towards the goal.  For example, a society with only doctors would not do too well.  There is a need also for plumbers, computer experts, landscapers, farmers, teachers, rabbis and a million other tafkidim that come together to create a complex tapestry that functions in harmony.  The clearest example of this concept is a puzzle.  A puzzle made up of identical pieces is not too impressive.  Rather, only when each piece is unique, and yet dedicated to a common goal, can a beautiful puzzle be created. 


Chevrayah Aleph Questions:


Why is the Jewish holiday of Pesach also called, in English, 'Passover'?


What are the items of the Seder plate?


While we're on the Seder plate... what do some vegetarians use instead of the lamb bone on their Seder plate?


Ok, now for a break from the plate: At the Seder, who is supposed to ask the four questions?


Now for some history: Who were Moses's birth parents?


What are the ten plagues?


What does the word 'Seder' mean?


While we're on the topic of the Seder, how many times do we wash our hands, according to tradition, during the evening?


So, Moses has left the palace, he has seen the burning bush, gone back to Pharaoh to ask him to free the slaves, brought about the ten plagues, parted the sea, and not stands with the Israelite people on the far bank of the Sea of Reeds. Who leads the women in joyous dance and song?


What is Bedikat Chametz?


How many times does Moshe appear in the Haggada? 


When do we eat the afikoman? 

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» All > Am Yisrael > Unité
» All > Le calendrier juif > Pessah
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