Making Time Count - ניצול זמן-צדקה

Details du fichier:

Type de ressource: peoula (activite) dans: English

Ans 12 - 20

Taille du groupe 5 - 50

Temps estime: 60 minutes

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TZEDAKA.doc (36 KB)

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Goals: 1. Awareness of the idea of Jewish Responsibility. 2. Awareness of the practical options and possibilities through which we can actualize our relationship with other Jews. 3. Understanding that responsibility can not be fulfilled with money alone.

Matériel requis
Materials: Cards describing eight good deeds (one set for every 8 - 10 students); a small box marked "Zedaka"; large bristol paper and marker for each group; copies of Rambam's Eight Principles of Charity (one per participant).

Les ressources relatées peuvent etre trouver sous:
» Tout > Entre l'homme et son prochain > Donner
» All > Bein Adam l'Chavero > Aider les autres
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