Zionist Test
Details du fichier:
Type de ressource: Debat dans: English
Ans 10 - 18
Taille du groupe 10 - 58
Temps estime: 45 minutes
Contenu de la ressource
Now is your chance to get points for the great “who wants to be a millionaire”
Who wrote the Israeli national anthem?
What do the strips on the Israeli flag stand for?
What was the previous suggestion for the flag? – Make a picture.
What is the main topic of “HATIKVA”?
"עוד לא אבדה תקוותנו" - for what?
How old is “the Tikva”?
Good luck!
Les ressources relatées peuvent etre trouver sous:
» Tout > Eretz Israel > Sionisme» All > Games > General
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