J.17. College Bowl

Details du fichier:

Type de ressource: Jeu dans: English

Ans 10 - 18

Taille du groupe 10 - 65

Temps estime: 45 minutes

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J.17. College Bowl

The leader divides the group into two teams and reads out a question.
The first group to make the sound of a buzzer (leader can provide bells or buzzers) answers the question.
- If correct, the team gets ten points.
- If incorrect, the other team has ten seconds to answer. If they answer correctly, they get 5 points.
The team that finishes with the most points wins.

Note: The leader should prepare a quiz which will suit the level of knowledge of each group.

Les ressources relatées peuvent etre trouver sous:
» All > Games > Jeux coopératifs
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