Behind Enemy Lines

Detalles del archivo:

Tipo de recursos: Juego Idiomoa: Ingles

Edad 10 - 18

Cantidad de participantes en el grupo 10 - 58

Tiempo estimado: 45 minutos

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·        Behind Enemy Lines – the group is divided into two teams. Each team goes to the opposite end of the playing area. At each end a ‘base’ (a chair) is placed and a centre line is created to divide the playing area in half. The object of the game is for team A to get to team B’s base or vice versa. However, once a member of either team crosses into the other team’s area, they can be tagged, which freezes them until they are ‘unfrozen’ (tagged) by a member of their own team. The first team to get a member to the other team’s base wins.


Recursos relacionados se pueden encontrar en:
» Todo > Juegos > Juegos de grupos
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