Zap, Zorch, Boing, Mcfigliano

Detalles del archivo:

Tipo de recursos: Juego Idiomoa: Ingles

Edad 10 - 18

Cantidad de participantes en el grupo 10 - 55

Tiempo estimado: 45 minutos

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TYPE: Quiet

Play in a circle

This game consists of four commands and anyone who gives an illegal command or hesitates is out.  The commands are:

Zap--This command can be given to any player seated next to the one giving the commands (A) whom A must face while saying "zap."

Zorch--This command can be given to any player seated next to A, but is not being faced by A (A must face someone next to him).

McFigliano--This command can be given to any player not seated next to A if A points to him.

Boing--This command is given in response to any other command and the play returns to the last player having given a command.


After having received a command, that player then gives the next command.

Play continues until only two players are left.


Variation:  Anyone who is "out" stays in the circle, but play continues as if he wasn't there.



Comentario sobre el recurso

Recursos relacionados se pueden encontrar en:
» Todo > Juegos > Juegos de grupos
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