Hakamat Hamedina - Ma'apilim
Tipo de recursos: Peula Idiomoa: Ingles
Edad 8 - 13
Cantidad de participantes en el grupo 5 - 30
Tiempo estimado: 90 minutos
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Explain that before the State of Israel, Jews had to smuggled into
Beachball, marble, newspaper “bats” and balls
Topic: HaKamat HaMedina
Noseh: The Ma’apilim
Written By: Josh Skarf, excerpts by Michael & Esther Goldberg
Goals: Explain that before the State of Israel, Jews had to smuggled into
Materials: Beachball, marble, newspaper “bats” and balls
During the 1930’s and 40’s the British ruled
The British set up patrol boats off the coast of
Game 1: Red Handed
The Kvutza forms a circle, with one person – the British Guard – in the center. The Guard leaves the room for a moment (or closes his eyes) and the madrich gives one of the chanichim in the circle a small item (a marble is good.) The person then returns, and the chanichim begin passing the item around. While some people are really passing the item, others pretend to pass it. The British Guard must detect where the item is. He has three chances to catch it. If he succeeds he wins, and otherwise the group wins.
Discussion: Explain to the chanichim about the need for illegal immigration before the State of Israel was declared. The person in the middle represents the British, trying to catch the Ma’apilim. It might be a good idea to wait until the end of snif to summarize this idea, as most of the games today will have the same message. Perhaps during mifkad you can ask what all the games had in common, and then explain the ideas and history.
Game 2: Paper Shoot
Divide into two or three teams (each team should have 4-8 players). Set an approximately 3 foot high garbage can in the middle of the room. (Find one in the Beit Keneset) Prepare ahead of time several rolled up newspaper “bats” and a lot of wadded-up paper balls (before Shabbat!) One team lies down on their backs around the trashcan with their heads towards the can. Each of these players has a paper bat. The opposing team stands about ten feet away in a circle around the trashcan. The standing team tries to throw their wadded-up paper balls into the can, and the defending team tries to knock the balls away with their bats while lying on their backs. The opposing team gets two minutes to shoot as much paper into the can as possible. When the time is up, count the number of wads in the trash can, and then let the teams trade places and play again. The team that landed the most balls into the can is declared the winner. To make the game a bit more difficult for the throwers, you can have them sit in chairs while they toss the paper.
Story: The Story of the Exodus
The President Warfield was a good ship in her time, but she was old and rusting when she was bought by the Hagana. She had been a riverboat, a World War II troop carrier, and finally a tourist transport. Now she lay rotting in a
February 1947 she sailed from the
On July 9, the Exodus (as the ship had been renamed) pulled into
The Hagana and the crew agreed. They would try to force their way out of the harbor despite the efforts of the British spies to stop them. But only one more problem confronted them – their captain had not yet arrived. Without him they cold never navigate the reefs at the mouth of the harbor – and here he was already four hours late.
They decided to try without him. All the mooring ropes had already been cut, except for one. At , the order was given to sail – the Exodus built up steam, began to turn its propellers, when suddenly she was shaken by a shuddering c-r-u-n-c-h. The one remaining chain had become entangled in the main propeller, almost entirely crippling the ship. Again the entire effort seemed to have been for nothing. The engineer decided to risk it all. He rammed the ship back and forth, over and over, until, with a lurch, the ship tore free of the iron chains. The strong steamer’s engines did not disappoint her crew.
As the ship finally turned around and headed out to sea, joy was unbounded. But the Hagana knew that the trouble had just begun. On the horizon, steaming towards them at full speed, were three British destroyers. They easily overtook the Exodus, surrounded her, and stayed in as an “honor guard’ the entire voyage.
On July 18, the Exodus had come within twenty-two miles of the coast of
The “humanistic” British attacked promptly, and took the Exodus by surprise. Two heavy destroyers rammed the sides of the wooden ship; the others opened fire across he bow. Gas bombs exploded everywhere on her decks and in the midst of the confusion the British soldiers boarded the Hagana vessel, swinging clubs and rubber sticks at every Jew in sight. In the ensuing melee, a sixteen year-old boy was killed and the American first mate was critically wounded and later died.
The Exodus, to save her passengers, allowed herself to be towed into Chaifa harbor. The wounded were permitted to be hospitalized; the others, however, had to spend a day crammed into wire cages set up on the deck. The people of Chaifa turned out in the thousands to hurl curses at the British from the other side of the heavily guarded barricades, more important, foreign journalists gathered excitedly all over the port – the story of the Exodus sped around the world. In every country, people sat by their radios, waiting to see the next move the British would make.
The news, when it came, shocked even the most cynical of listeners. The Ma’apilim were not to be transported to
The passengers of the Exodus screamed “We will not get off! We will travel to our land! Return us to the shores of Chaifa!” Everyone began singing HaTikva, proudly and defiantly. The blue and white flag was unfurled. The British sat impassively, waiting. The Jews let them wait. They organized a hunger strike and even though almost everyone in the three ships was drained of strength they all participated. The strike lasted twelve hours before the British made an announcement:
“We gave you the chance to leave. From now on, no one may leave the ship. In one hour we will be sailing for
On the tenth day of September 1947, the people of the Exodus were dragged off forcibly onto the soil of
Game 3: Garbage-Bag Ball
This game’s name is a little inaccurate. According to the book I found it in, it should be played with a garbage bag filled with inflated balloons. However, I think the game will be better with beach balls.
Two other games that fit in well with this topic are Red Rover and Cat and Mouse, though these games are more common, and should perhaps be reserved for times when you run out of games and still have a lot of time.
» Todo > Historia > Hacia el establecimiento del estado 1890-1948