Zach Dinner
Tipo de recursos: Articulo corto Idiomoa: Ingles
Edad 8 - 10
Cantidad de participantes en el grupo 1 - 50
Tiempo estimado: 5 minutos
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Zach dinner
By Ruth Lakin, Noah Geduld & Sarit Toltzis
On the 7th night of Chanukah, the Zach banquet was hold at the Anuchi Home. We all dressed up. There were Hor’s Deurves & fake chamaqne. After the hors deaurres we all had Chinese food. The food was awesome. Each table was one team & we all played a game with songs. We were given a word & had to name as many songs with that word in it. There were funny, embarrassing stories read & overupne had to guess whom the story was about. We all took pictures and had a great time. This was a Zach event no one will forget.