J.18. Line Up By Jewish History

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Tipo de recursos: Juego Idiomoa: Ingles

Edad 10 - 18

Cantidad de participantes en el grupo 10 - 18

Tiempo estimado: 45 minutos

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J.18. Line up By Jewish History

The leader gives each participant a card with the name of a landmark event in Jewish history and the dates of the event.
Participants have an allocated amount of time to line up from the earliest to the latest date.
After the line-up, participants read off their cards and their dates.

Timelines can be found here http://www.jajz-ed.org.il/timelines.html

Israeli Independence 1948
Capture of Eichmann 1960
The Six Day War 1967
The Yom Kippur War 1973
Operation Yonatan (Entebbe) 1976
Sadat Comes to Jerusalem 1977
Israel-Egypt Peace Treaty 1979
The Lebanon War 1982
Operation Moses 1984
Exodus from the USSR 1990-1991
Operation Solomon 1991
The Oslo Accords 1993
Israel-Jordan Peace Treaty 1994
Assassination of Yitzhak Rabin 1995
Centennial Zionist Congress 1997
Israel's Jubilee 1998

Recursos relacionados se pueden encontrar en:
» Todo > Juegos > Juegos de grupos
» Todo > Historia > General
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