
Opciones del filtro:

El Camino

En este juego cada madrij puede elegir el tema que quiera por ej:la humildad,el ser agrandado,shabat,cashrut,etc..ya que es un juego que es facil de amoldar para cualquier matara.

Edad: 6-182637 visitasView DetailsVer

Bienvenidos A La Tnua

que elijan el nombre y los colores de la kvutzá, saber sus expectativas para este año, y por supuesto que se diviertan

Edad: 6-102805 visitasView DetailsVer
Edad: 13-183107 visitasView DetailsVer

Bnei Akiva In A Nutshell

Aleph: To learn as to what Bnei Akiva is all about! To learn about the semel and its significance. To understand what exactly is Torah ve’Avodah?

Bet: To understand what exactly is Torah ve’Avodah?

Edad: 4-126937 visitasView DetailsVer

Bnei Akiva In A Nutshell

Aleph: To learn as to what Bnei Akiva is all about! To learn about the semel and its significance. To understand what exactly is Torah ve’Avodah?

 Bet: To understand what exactly is Torah ve’Avodah?

Edad: 8-156704 visitasView DetailsVer

Bnei Akiva Intro

Introduce the chanichim to Bnei Akiva –what the tnua is, what it stands for, etc. Through a combination of different kinds of games, we will acquaint the chanichim with various important aspects of Bnei Akiva, which will help them understand more of what we’re all about and help them to become better chaverim in our tnua. There are many peulot here, so it is possible to pick and choose which will be best, or even cover this material in two weeks.

Edad: 8-135579 visitasView DetailsVer

Bnei Akiva Today And Tomorrow


To discuss the involvement of the chanich in Bnei Akiva today and in the future

Edad: 14-176642 visitasView DetailsVer
Edad: 10-2220461 visitasView DetailsVer

Bnei Akive--what's All The Fuss About?

To learn some sources about the way the Torah expects us to live.

Learning how the Torah VaAvodah Ideology is a clear message from the TorahUnderstanding the need to live in

Israel in order to keep the ideology.

Edad: 6-147454 visitasView DetailsVer

Bnei Rabbi Akiva

To discuss why our tnua is named after Rabbi Akiva, to review the meaning

behind Bnei Akiva rites and rituals.

Edad: 9-139202 visitasView DetailsVer

Cafe Dilemma- Bnei Akiva

האם צריכה להיות לבני עקיבא העולמית עמדה בנושאים בוערים בארץ?

מה הגבול שבין חינוך כללי תנועתי לבין פיתוח חשיבה עצמאית אישית לכל חניך?

כמה לבני עקיבא העולמית דעה מאוחדת בכל הסניפים?

כמה הדעה של בני עקיבא ישראל רלוונטית לבני עקיבא העולמית?

האם בכלל יש מקום לחניכי בני עקיבא העולמית להביע דעה בנושאים של ישראל כשהם לא גרים בה?

Edad: 15-255439 visitasView DetailsVer

Chodesh Irgun Kadesh Chayecha

חוברת לחודש ארגון התשע"ב בנושא "קדש חייך" בהוצאת בני עקיבא ישראל

Edad: 10-1510718 visitasView DetailsVer

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Deutsch-Studie Website
a collection of Jewish Resources by the Jewish Agency
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