Edad: 7-18 | 4180 visitas | Ver |
Edad: 10-19 | 3157 visitas | Ver |
Edad: 6-19 | 3629 visitas | Ver |
Reunion Urgente
Simular un acontecimiento, o mejor dicho poner al janij en situación real de antisemitismo
Edad: 6-18 | 2517 visitas | Ver |
"all For One And One For All"
Goal: Proving to the chanichim that we should be “all for one and one for all”. Working together is usually the best solution.
Edad: 6-14 | 10370 visitas | Ver |
Edad: 12-100 | 7242 visitas | Ver |
Achdut Am Israel
The Goal: understanding that Am Israel need to stay united and this is the key for its power. Every individual is unique and special, and has a lot to contribute to the collective. Every individual is important ant crucial for the success of Am Israel.
Edad: 6-9 | 9410 visitas | Ver |
Achdut And Pesach
The Chanichim should understand that achdut does not need to mean that everyone must be the same, but that you can have many different individuals who still can make up a united nation.
Edad: 7-12 | 8607 visitas | Ver |
Ahavat Olam, Or Lagoyim
Imbue chanichim with pride for what Israel does around the world
Edad: 12-20 | 8421 visitas | Ver |
All Together Now- Arba Minim
Goals: To teach the chanichim that
1. Every person has something special and different to contribute to the Klal.
2. Achdut means bringing different people together for a common goal.
3. This is the message of the Arba Minim
Edad: 10-14 | 32767 visitas | Ver |
Am & Eretz Unity
מטרות הפעולה:
- שהחניכים ילמדו את מושג העם היהודי כעם וכפרט ואת השילוב בין השניים.
- שהחניכים יבינו שלמרות שאנו שונים מאוד זה מזה, אנו אחים בני עם אחד.
- שהחניכים יראו את החשיבות של האחדות בעם ישראל ( התבססות על קשרי אחים בתורה).
Edad: 15-18 | 12537 visitas | Ver |
Enlaces Recomendados
Dapey Limud for Shavout by Or Etzion
A lot of games for Pessach and for the seder itself A lot of information about the 10 makot and Pessach in General... Movie Clips, Jokes and more *On the home page there are a lot of links for games and information
A kit to mark 40 years to Jerusalem. Include- Peulot, presentations, videos, Divrey Torah, etc., in Hebrew and English
Selected readings in English and Hebrew for Rememberance day