Mirando hacia atrás
- 6 January, 1983 (21 Tevet, 5743): establshed-Neve Dekalim
- 9 January, 1935 (5 Shvat, 5695): Kibutz Hadati movement was estarblished
- 16 January, 1948 (5 Shvat, 5708): Lamed He the convoy of the 35 brave soldiers that were on their way to Gush Etzion
- 17 January, 1991 (2 Shvat, 5751): Operation Desert Storm in Iraq started
- 20 January, 1998 (22 Tevet, 5758): Zvulun Hammer - Aזלשרש
- 20 January, 1917 (26 Tevet, 5677): Avshalom Feinberg from NILI was killed
- 21 January, 1882 (1 Shvat, 5642): Establish of bilu movement
- 27 January, 1945 (13 Shvat, 5705): The International Holocaust Remembrance Day
Edad: 10-100 | 7373 visitas | Ver |
De Connectie Tussen Tu Bishvat & Eretz Yisrae...
Doel: dat de chanichiem zullen begrijpen hoe diep de verbinding is tussen Am Yisrael en Eretz Yisrael en hoe bomen kunnen helpen om deze verbinding te versterken. De stad waar we over gaan praten heet Rosh Pinna een van de beste voorbeelden hoe mensen door bomen verbonden zijn met hun land.
Edad: 6-14 | 5440 visitas | Ver |
Tu Bishvat- Station Activity
חיזוק הקשר בין ילדי השומר הצעיר למדינת ישראל.
חיזוק הקשר בין השומר לקהילת השומר;הורים, ילדים ובוגרים לשעבר.
הרחבת מאגר הידע בנוגע לחגי ישראל.
Edad: 10-100 | 5187 visitas | Ver |
Planting Trees In Israel A Big Mitzvah!!!
Understanding the significance of planting trees in Eretz Israel
Edad: 10-15 | 4651 visitas | Ver |
Seder Tu Bishvat Short 2010
סדר טו בשבט קצר הכולל את הברכות במצגת
Edad: 11-14 | 8924 visitas | Ver |
2bshvat & Rosh-pinna…
GOAL: So… the goal is that the Chanichim will understand how deep is the connection between Am-Yisrael and Eretz-Yisrael and how trees are helping that connection and making it stronger. The city that we are going to talk about is called Rosh-Pinna- One of the best examples for people who got connected to their land through trees.
Edad: 6-12 | 13723 visitas | Ver |
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many types of activities for Sukkot like colouring, building a Sukkah etc;
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