D.2. Resent And Appreciate

File details:

Resource Type: Game in: English
Age: 10-18
Group Size: 10-58
Estimated Time: 45 minutes

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D.2. Resent and Appreciate

This is not a run of the mill game, but a highly crucial tool to address specific experiences and draw the threads together again in a positive manner.
When used to dissolve tension, the emphasis should be on checking the group pulse after the second round and using it to encourage the group.

The exercise can also be used for evaluation purposes throughout any course, or group work, when the facilitator may also wish to review the outcomes by noting them down and analysing them with the group.

Have the group sit in a circle and explain the procedure in a light-hearted manner:
- Ensure that everyone understands the meaning of both words – resent, appreciate – and that the purpose is to relate to the activity just completed, or an experience in the group.
- During someone else's statement, no one is allowed to comment.
- Anyone is allowed to say “I pass,” which means “No comment.”
- Anyone can say “I resent nothing,” or “I appreciate nothing.”

Each person makes a statement beginning with. I resent…
Repeat the round, beginning with. I appreciate…

Related Resources can be found under:

» All > Games > Social Games

» All > Bein Adam l'Chavero > Group Dynamics

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