Bnei Akiva – The Religious Zionist Youth Movement - áðé ò÷éáà- ÷ååé àéãéàåìåâéä

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Resource Type: Article in: English
Age: 16-22
Group Size: 10-50
Estimated Time: 45 minutes

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Resource Contents

Bnei Akiva – The Religious Zionist Youth Movement

  Our guide lines:

  ÷ååé éñåã

  Who are we?

  Bnei Akiva (The sons of Rabbi Akiva).

  îé àðçðå?

  áðé ò÷éáà.

  What is our life about?

  Torah Ve’Avodah (keeping The law of Israel and working

  directed by it).

  îä çééðå?

  úåøä åòáåãä.

  What is our statement?

  AM Yisrael (the Nation of Israel) Be’Eretz Yisrael (in the Land

  of Israel), Al Pi Torat Yisrael (living by the Law of Israel)

  îä ñéñîúéðå?

  òí éùøàì áàøõ éùøàì

  òì ôé úåøú éùøàì.

What is Religious Zionism?

The objective of Religious Zionism is to combine the concepts of the Nation of Israel (AM Yisrael), the Land of Israel (Eretz Yisrael), and the Law of Israel (Torat Yisrael) into one ideal. The nation represents the unity of all Jews around the world as one nation with a common vision. Central to this vision is the Land of Israel. We look to Jewish Law to define this shared vision as well as to accomplish our purpose as the Jewish Nation. We are proud to be Jews and feel the Jewish nation should be marching with its head up to accomplish this vision.

What is Bnei Akiva? 

Bnei Akiva is a Religious Zionist Youth Movement run by youth for the youth, in order to keep the philosophy of Religious Zionism modern and active.

What is our goal?

Bnei Akiva of the United States and Canada, is dedicated to bringing the messages of Torah Ve’Avodah and Aliyah to the Jewish youth of North America. Our wide range of programs is designed to foster personal, family, and communal commitment to the ideal of "Am Yisrael, Be’Eretz Yisrael, Al Pi Torat Yisrael."

Why do we speak of Aliyah and not just about Israel?

We believe that supporting Israel and taking action for Israel is very important as an educational step towards being an active part in the mission of the Jewish nation. Ultimately we focus on Aliyah, the pursuit of a religious life in Israel.

What is Torah Ve’Avodah?

Torah Ve’Avodah is an outlook on the world which synthesizes a religious life of Torah with labor and production in order to bring about a national renaissance of the Jewish people in the Land of Israel.

It’s a life based on the torah’s vision of an ideal lifestyle fulfilled through the modern world. We feel that although all our ideology comes from the Torah, we must emphasize the work needed in order to make the torah turn from words into action.  We believe in the state of Israel as a modern Jewish state with the responsibility to be a moral role model to the rest of the world.

Why are we called ‘Bnei Akiva’?

We believe that the best way to educate is by setting an example.  To that end, although Rabbi Akiva did not start teaching until the age of 40, he became one of Israel’s greatest leaders and activists of all times.  He is considered the base for torah, since all of torah stems from his way of learning.  Israel and Jerusalem were a focus for this Rabbi who was born just after the destruction of the second Temple.  Even in the darkest of days for Israel, it was he who saw the light of redemption.  Rabbi Akiva was an important nationalist leader who took his 24,000 students to fight the wars of Israel.  åàäáú ìøòê ëîåê” became one of his most famous quotes from the Torah in a generation where it was sorely needed.  As Rabbi Akiva was executed by the Romans for his religious beliefs, he maintained his devotion and love for G-d.  In doing so, his final act became a metaphor for his life—one of greatness through leadership, passion, and Zionism.  His way of life teaches that we can all reach greatness, no matter when we begin.

Why is this lifestyle so complex?

The life of Bnei Akiva is one of paradox.  Its philosophy is not that of a simpleton because a devotion to Israel, Torah, and the modern world is not an easy, nor simple, guiding principle.  It will always be easier to choose a life of Torah in Galut or a life only in support of Israel. Bnei Akiva urges a more complex lifestyle. We see the goal of each member to influence the Jewish nation as well as the rest of the world.























Related Resources can be found under:

» All > Bnei Akiva > Ideology

» All > Bnei Akiva > Torah VaAvoda

» All > Bnei Akiva > Youth Movement

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