Featured Events From March:
- 10 March, 1949 (9 Adar, 5709): Flying of the ink flag
- 1 March, 1920 (11 Adar, 5680): Tel Hai
- 1 March, 1806 (11 Adar, 5566): Chaim Joseph David Azulai-yertziet
- 6 March, 1929 (24 Adar, 5689): Bnei Akiva was established by Yechiel Eliash in Jerusalem
- 10 March, 1998 (12 Adar, 5758): Rav Hayim David HaLevi-yertziet
Historical Events
> Event
Flying of the ink flag
Event Details :
Ivri Date: 9 Adar, 5709
English Date: 10 March, 1949
Additional Details:
flying the ink flag in Eilat was the end of the independance war