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Actions Speak Louder Than Words

1. To learn this story of Avraham2. To think about how much more our actions say, than our words3. Micro - macro. Bettering oneself will ultimately lead to bettering the world.

Ages: 12-136006 viewsView DetailsView

Parshat Vaera

Teach the chanachim about chalutzim and how they helped towards establishing eretz yisrael.

Ages: 8-136907 viewsView DetailsView
Ages: 12-1007640 viewsView DetailsView

Recommended Links

Ohr Somayach- Chanuka
Ohr Somayach- Chanuka
History, stories, laws (Mitzvot) & alot of articles about chanuka
Matach site- Tu Bishvat
Matach site- Tu Bishvat
History about Tu Bishvat
Jonathan Pollard
A site about The Israeli Agent Jonathan Pollard
Banim - Israeli MIA
Banim - Israeli MIA
info about the Israeli MIA