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Ages: 8-137119 viewsView DetailsView
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Ages: 8-157407 viewsView DetailsView

Articles That Intrigue The Mind

To get the chanichim to think, debate, raise issues and relevant stories, and exercise their mind in creative and critical thinking.

Ages: 12-156466 viewsView DetailsView

Color Red- Sderot

What is for you the "color red"?

for the people in Sderot it means 10 sec to find cover!!!!

Ages: 10-1007025 viewsView DetailsView

Ethnic Dilemas In Israel

To teach the chanachim that Israel is a very special country with many balances that it has to deal with.

Ages: 12-165710 viewsView DetailsView

From 1948 To 1967!

That the Chanichim will understand the difference and the importance of the new lines after the six day war (compare to 1948) and that it is still important today

Ages: 8-127656 viewsView DetailsView
Ages: 12-188318 viewsView DetailsView

Israel Update

1.        For the chanichim to have better understanding of the way the Israeli political system works.

2.        To deal with and better understand some of the political debates/conflicts in


Ages: 12-175292 viewsView DetailsView

Israel’s Ideal Government

Discuss the advantages of Democracy, Monarchy, and other governments. Which is ideal? Why is

Israel a Democracy?

Ages: 4-64985 viewsView DetailsView

Israel's Water Crisis


Israel’s water crisis: the beauty behind Am Yisrael’s dependency on Hashem for rain and how we must do our part too.

Ages: 12-1510286 viewsView DetailsView

Judaism In The New Millenium

To focus on Judaism and its connection to the technological aspects of the new millenium.  We want the chanichim to realize that all the new cool technology that is now available to the world can actually be used l’shem Shamayim. 

This week we can help the chanichim realize that everything ultimately comes from Hashem, even Nintendo!

Ages: 6-134636 viewsView DetailsView
Ages: 15-203574 viewsView DetailsView

Recommended Links

Kassam Attacks on Sderot, Israel
Kassam Attacks on Sderot, Israel
You tube movie about Israel
Israel's actions in Gaza is an act of self-defence
Israel's actions in Gaza is an act of self-defence
A lawyer explains why Israel has the right to defense herself
Hasbara Info
Hasbara Info
Neil Lazarus's Hasbara Web Site
Elections 2009
Elections 2009
PPT, Pics & etc about the coming election 2009
WEJEW- Jewish Movies
WEJEW- Jewish Movies
Movies about the the jewish history, israel etc.
Hamas Children
Hamas Children
A Movie from YouTube about the Hamas Children
Operation against Hamas, in Gaza
Operation against Hamas, in Gaza
Allkinds of links about the operation, Humanitarian issues, Hamas, methods and information, Israeli victims.