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Introduction To A Beit Knesset

To introduce the topic of Beit Knesset and cover the basics of the shuls and its avrious functions and halachot.

Ages: 16-184845 viewsView DetailsView
Ages: 14-184552 viewsView DetailsView

Judaism In The New Millenium

To focus on Judaism and its connection to the technological aspects of the new millenium.  We want the chanichim to realize that all the new cool technology that is now available to the world can actually be used l’shem Shamayim. 

This week we can help the chanichim realize that everything ultimately comes from Hashem, even Nintendo!

Ages: 6-134634 viewsView DetailsView

Just Another Kosher Symbol? - Israel's Chied ...

As members of Bnei Akiva it is important to remember that we are Zionists. What is often forgotten, though, is that we represent the type of Zionism described as religious Zionism. That means that the Torah and all that it stands for is the central theme of our lives, whether or not we happen to be in

Israel. Since Torah should be the dominating feature of any society we want to live in, religious leadership and the guidance and supervision is crucial to being a successful society built on the right foundations. This snif will delve into the importance of having religious leadership, specifically in

Israel and in the form of the chief Rabbinate (Rabbanut Harashit).

Ages: 6-157315 viewsView DetailsView

Kedusha Of A Shul

Kedusha of a Shul (a)To learn that a shul has kedusha but this is a concept that has to be explained. Kedusha has to do with a Sefer Torah.

Kedusha of a Shul (b)Learn the different comentators point of view of kedusha in a shul (Ramban, Ran, Rambam)

Kedusha of a Shul (c)Learn the differences between a shul and a Beit Hamikdash

Ages: 16-184671 viewsView DetailsView

Kiddush And Chillul Hashem In Our Lives

Teach about Kiddush and Chillul Hashem in public. Teach about Mesirat Nefesh in Tzahal as a Kiddush Hashem

Ages: 9-113997 viewsView DetailsView

Kiddush Hashem- 3 Cardinal Sins

Goals: Teach about Shfichut Damim, Gilui Arayot and Avodah Zara, the three cardinal sins. Discuss why, even though life is so sacred, we are obligated to die instead of committing them.

Ages: 10-1611007 viewsView DetailsView

Lashon Hara

Teach the chanichim the evils of lahson hara, the negative impact it can have on people

Ages: 6-93691 viewsView DetailsView

Lashon Hara

Teach about Lashon Hara and give examples how it’s easy to jump to conclusions

Ages: 7-1232767 viewsView DetailsView

Little Green... Jews??

Is environmentalism a Jewish value?


Ages: 6-158256 viewsView DetailsView
Short Article

Modern Orthodoxy


Ø  To learn that Avraham was the first modern orthodox jew

Ø  To learn what modern orthodoxy is

Ø  To realise that the we might differ from the charedi world but that doesn’t mean we don’t get on with them

Ages: 10-189031 viewsView DetailsView

Recommended Links

The Judaism site
The Judaism site
Divrey Torah, Parashat Shavua and articles. Information and updates according to the jewish calendar
Leadel- Jewish Leadership
Leadel- Jewish Leadership
videos etc about Jewish Leadreship of then and now
#1 Jewishvideo site
An excellent website for madricim. Contain Peulot, programs, articles etc.
Orot-Harav Kook
Orot-Harav Kook
The book- Orot in English
The Religious Zionism Debate
The Religious Zionism Debate
Essays Regarding the Religious Significance of the Modern State of Israel
Tanach Study Center
Tanach Study Center
Shiurim on Chumash, Navi, Chagim and more by Menachem Leibtag. In English and Hebrew.... In Memory of Rabbi Avraham Leibtag
A Jewish children's learning network