Social Games

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Ages: 10-181961 viewsView DetailsView
Ages: 10-182617 viewsView DetailsView
Ages: 10-182143 viewsView DetailsView

I Care!!!

The goal:

Each day we find people that don’t care enough about things around them.

Your Chanichim will understand, that we have to learn to take care about the people around us, and to think about them sometimes, like we want them to think about us. If we want a healthy and good society, we have to work on our Midot! .

We need to pay attention not only for our self’s, and family. We need to pay attention also for people that we don’t know, and to take care for them, too.

The Chanichim will understand, that to take care isn’t only in the big things, it is also in the little things, during the day, and we need to get use to this idea….

Ages: 8-115134 viewsView DetailsView
Ages: 10-183295 viewsView DetailsView
Ages: 10-183362 viewsView DetailsView

I.5. Place The City

This game is to be played without consultation between participants, even if not in total silence.

Ages: 10-183262 viewsView DetailsView

I.6. My Map

This activity may be done on a weekly basis, or once at the end of the trip to recall places and experiences. In class or community, this is a useful review exercise.

Ages: 10-183479 viewsView DetailsView
Ages: 10-183015 viewsView DetailsView
Ages: 10-182950 viewsView DetailsView
Ages: 10-183445 viewsView DetailsView

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the cyber home of Torah-Sukkot
the cyber home of Torah-Sukkot
2 short film on the Arba Minim
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Pesach-Judaism 101
Information about Pesach and "Lel Haseder" Translation to English of the "Seder's" songs + files of the songs