Establishing a State 1948

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Poraz Family Movie for Memorial Day

סרט על סיפורה של משפחת פורז על נפילת האב והבן

Ages: 12-1004286 viewsView DetailsView

The Holocaust And The State Of Israel

Aims of the meeting

To look at reasons behind anti-Semitism

To link the Holocaust to the creation of the Jewish State

         To examine the value of independence.

Ages: 9-184646 viewsView DetailsView

The Six Days War And The Seven Gates Of Jerus...

The Six Days and the Seven Gates of


Based on a modern day Midrash by former Israeli President

Yizhak Navon

Ages: 6-159260 viewsView DetailsView

They Built Our State

To teach the chanichim as much as possible about the people who influenced the state of


Ages: 9-114284 viewsView DetailsView


To determine if Tzionut died with Herzel or if it still exists today.

Ages: 12-155046 viewsView DetailsView

What’s In A Flag?


The chanichim will understand the why it is important to have a flag.

The chanichim will know that what’s behind what eyes can see is more important

Ages: 13-148716 viewsView DetailsView
Ages: 13-185438 viewsView DetailsView
Short Article
Ages: 10-10013184 viewsView DetailsView

Remember Them 1

תמונות של אנשים אשר נפלו במלחמות ישראל

התמונות בשחור לבן עם כיתוב של כל אחד מאיזה חייל הוא.

Ages: 10-1006996 viewsView DetailsView
Ages: 13-185534 viewsView DetailsView

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Hagshama Tu Bishbat Program
Hagshama Tu Bishbat Program
A Fully organized idea for a Program based on who wants to be a millionaire for Tu Bishvat with Prizes - all needed is attached. special for 60 Years of Israel