Bnei Akiva

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The First Peula- Zach

The chanichim will have fun ,meet the group and the madrich

The chanich will come again to the next activity.

The chanich will get gain information about rosh hashana.

Ages: 12-145402 viewsView DetailsView

Bnei Akiva Ideology

To get the chanachim to know some of the basics of Bnei Akiva.

Ages: 9-158671 viewsView DetailsView

Omer Aleph And Bet

Aleph Aims

Bet Aims

      To learn about the Omer, and more specifically Lag Ba’omer

      To learn about the life, times and teachings of Rabbi Akiva

       To learn about Lag ba’omer in connection with Rabbi Akiva

       To understand some ideas as to why BA is named after Rabbi Akiva

Ages: 9-1411907 viewsView DetailsView

The Global Bnei- Akiva

To teach the chanichim about global Bnei- Akiva and to show them that each country and each snif may seem different, but underneath the language and culture barriers we all work together for the same goals and ideals… Aliyah, Torah, teamwork.

Ages: 13-187621 viewsView DetailsView

Recommended Links

Some writings of Rav Kook in English
The Religious Zionism Debate
The Religious Zionism Debate
Essays Regarding the Religious Significance of the Modern State of Israel