Ages: 10-182317 viewsView DetailsView
Ages: 8-2511094 viewsView DetailsView

Remembrance And Renewal-yom Ha'atzmaut (sicha...

The chanichim should leave the sicha understanding

(1)   The power of Yom Ha’atzmaut – how all these different Jews came together to fight as an Am and why it was it was so important for the Jews in 1948 to have an independent Jewish State.

(2)   The battle for Yom Ha’atzmaut applies to us today and we can only truly appreciate it when looking at it as part of a cycle of the hardships of Jewish History (Yom Hashoah and Yom HaZicaron).

Ages: 12-145365 viewsView DetailsView

Play – Yaacov’s Dream (younger Kids)

To understand Yaacov's dreams

Ages: 8-1211027 viewsView DetailsView

The Sticker Song

The Sticker Song: A Peulah based on the Bumper Sticker song by HaDag Nachash.

Goal: Through discussing the different bumper stickers portrayed in the song, and their underlying messages, the hanikhim will come to a greater understanding of the divides between different groups in Israeli society today.

Ages: 13-177256 viewsView DetailsView


The Center for Religious Services in the Diaspora
Education kits for download:

Kristallnacht kit Kristallnacht kit
A kit for marking 60 years Kristallnacht which include - Peulot, presentations, videos, Dvar Tora, etc., in Hebrew and English

Recommended Links

Operation against Hamas, in Gaza
Operation against Hamas, in Gaza
Allkinds of links about the operation, Humanitarian issues, Hamas, methods and information, Israeli victims.
Leadel- Jewish Leadership
Leadel- Jewish Leadership
videos etc about Jewish Leadreship of then and now