Ages: 8-132691 viewsView DetailsView

Kedusha Of A Shul

Kedusha of a Shul (a)To learn that a shul has kedusha but this is a concept that has to be explained. Kedusha has to do with a Sefer Torah.

Kedusha of a Shul (b)Learn the different comentators point of view of kedusha in a shul (Ramban, Ran, Rambam)

Kedusha of a Shul (c)Learn the differences between a shul and a Beit Hamikdash

Ages: 16-184671 viewsView DetailsView
Ages: 0-014972 viewsView DetailsView

Chodesh Nisan Dinim

מטרת השיעור- הילדים ילמדו קצת מהלכות פסח בצורה מהנה.

Ages: 6-1210644 viewsView DetailsView

Sniff 5-6 Graders – Tfillah

goal- we’re going to try and get across 2 things... (1) That davening is split into shevach/bakasha/hodaya and (2) appreciation for why we dont talk during tfilla, daven in groups etc...

Ages: 9-125315 viewsView DetailsView


The Center for Religious Services in the Diaspora
Education kits for download:

Tu Bishvat kit Tu Bishvat kit
Tu Bishvat kit which include- Peulot, presentations, videos, Dvar Tora, etc., in Hebrew and English

Recommended Links

Ohr Somayach- Chanuka
Ohr Somayach- Chanuka
History, stories, laws (Mitzvot) & alot of articles about chanuka
many types of activities for Sukkot like colouring, building a Sukkah etc;
Chagiga of Chagim
Chagiga of Chagim
ideas and programs for chagim
Jafi- Hatikva
Jafi- Hatikva
How to sing & play the "Hatikva" the Israeli anthum, and what is the history behind it