Short Article
Ages: 10-503880 viewsView DetailsView

Who Were The Ma'apilim?

Teach the kids about the Ma'apilim and their role in history and establishing Eretz Yisrael

Ages: 8-123633 viewsView DetailsView

Rabbanut Rashit

Teach the Chanichim about the jobs of the Rabanut HaRasheet and how it effects the State of Israel.


Ages: 6-1310996 viewsView DetailsView

The Chalutzim

Background: In this peula we are going to simulate a chalutz’s attempt to live in

Israel in the 1800’s. The kids will face the same trials and tribulations that the early settlers felt, and they will have to deal with those situations.

Ages: 15-183781 viewsView DetailsView


The Center for Religious Services in the Diaspora
Education kits for download:

Tishrey kit Tishrey kit
Tishrey kit which include- Peulot, presentations, videos, Dvar Tora, etc., in Hebrew and English

Recommended Links

Information about Pessach, "Halacoht" of Pessach, The "Hagada", Egypt and the Seder's bowl Pessach's songs and melodies, activities, stories and other links
Jafi- Purim
Jafi- Purim
Purim Activities & Programming, The History, Concepts, Language & Geography of Purim, Megillah and Mitzvot Focus, Feminine Perspectives on Purim
All kinds of activities, iformation and pictures of all the Chagim and other related subjects