G. 27 Hug Tag

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Type de ressource: Jeu dans: English

Ans 10 - 18

Taille du groupe 10 - 58

Temps estime: 45 minutes

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This variation on classical tag is a perfect example of how to turn an old game into a new one, with positive energies helping group members connect, support each other and express togetherness.

Contenu de la ressource

G. 27 Hug Tag

The game is played by whatever rules the leader prefers, but with one exception – the only time a player is safe is when s/he’s hugging another player.
After playing for a while, make the game a little more communal, by stating that only three people hugging are safe.
Then four, five… everyone.

Les ressources relatées peuvent etre trouver sous:
» All > Games > Jeux coopératifs
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