Lag B'omer

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Type de ressource: peoula (activite) dans: English

Ans 8 - 13

Taille du groupe 5 - 30

Temps estime: 90 minutes

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Teach the chanachim about lag b'omer.

Matériel requis

- color papers
- dice
- human-sized board
- Q & A's

Contenu de la ressource



As you know this week we are going to celebrate Lag Baomer.

But what do we really know about it, is it just a holiday of bonfires?

Of course not, on this week Peula we are going to learn about the other aspects of this special day.

1.One of the "lag Baomer"'s customs is to light bonfires.

Let imagine that we are sitting around the bonfire and everyone in his/her turn will say: "if I could throw something into the fire I would

  throw   _______________ “ (for example: All the wars in the world, the iilness and the pains, the bad boy/girl inside of me…) warning- make sure that the chanichim won’t use insulting comments.

 2. The second part of the peula is a game-quiz about Lag Baomer. The madrich/a will put the color papers in order according to number as a anake , then he/she will Split the chanichim into 2 teams. On each paper is written a number. Each team will throw the dice, the number they get is the number of steps they have to take. For example: if they get number 2, they will go over 2 papers. On some of the papers it written “Question” – when they get to that kind of paper the madrich will ask them a question. If a team don’t know the correct answer, they will lose their next turn. It is a contest between the teams which team will get more correct answers.


1. Why it is customary to play with a bow and arrow on Lag Baomer?

( On a memory of Bar-Chochva soldiers).

 2. Who is the great Rabbi that past away on that date? (Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai).

3. When do we start counting the Omer? ( On the Second day of Pesach).

4. What is Sfirat Haomer symbolized? (The expectation of Bnei Israel to get the Torah).

 5. What Kind of necklace did Rabbi Akiva give to his wife Rachel?

(A necklace in the shape of Yerushalaim).

6. Why do we have mourning customs on sfirat haomer? ( As memory to the death of rabbi akiva's students).

7. What are the mourning customs on Sfirat Haomer?  ( we  don't get  marry and don't have different celebrations, we don’t cut the hair or shave, don’t wear new cloth etc. ).

8. What kind of miracle did Hashem do to Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai and his son in the cave? (Hashem gave them a Carob Tree and a spring).

9. What is the connection between Bar Cochva and Lag Baomer? ( on Lag Baomer Bar Cochva had a victory in the battle against the  Romans).

10. What is the reason for the plague that spread among Rabbi Akiva’s student and killed them?

( Because they didn’t respect each other).

 11. When did the plague stop? ( On Lag Baomer).

12. What is the condition that Rachel gave to Rabbi Akiva? ( she told him that she will marry him if he studies Torah).


שבת שלום

מיכל ותהלה









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