Popcorn Night
Details du fichier:
Type de ressource: Jeu dans: English
Ans 7 - 14
Taille du groupe 1 - 100
Temps estime: 35 minutes
To do something new and fun with the chanichim that they will enjoy.
Contenu de la ressource
Give the kids different tasks involving use of popcorn
- 2 kids compete who can finish a bowl of popcorn first without using their hands.
- Fill mouth up with popcorn & give a speech – why do I love popcorn?
- Write "Go Bnei Akiva!" while holding popcorn between your fingers.
- Popcorn blowing contest – who can blow the farthest?
- Spell out your Shevet's name using popcorn.
- At the end – give out the left over popcorn and, while they're eating, ask them:
- When was popcorn invented?
- 1971
- 1860
- The Stone Age.
- Who invented popcorn?
- Adam
- Robinson Crusoe
- Nobody knows
- How do you say popcorn in Georgian?
- popolura
- popini lari sintiyupy
- lapop larapop
- How much does a single average popcorn weigh?
- 1/1000 of an ounce
- 8/100 of an ounce
- 1 ounce
- Where was popcorn first invented?
Kurdistan Japan Venezuela - What is the most common combination of popcorn?
- With salt.
- with butter
- with an omelet
- When is popcorn eaten the most?
- By the T.V,
- for breakfast with coffee & cookies.
- between 5 &
- how long does it take to knock off a bag of popcorn
- 5 seconds.
- 1 minute.
- 15 seconds.
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