Last Word Love Always...

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Last Word

Love Always...

By Gadi Ezra


Every combat soldier carries a letter with him to be sent "just in case." The following was sent by 23-year-old Sergeant Gadi Ezra to his fiancée Galit Meislik.


Dear Galiti If you receive this letter, it is a sign that something has happened to me. This morning we received the news that the military operation that was planned for yesterday will take place, with God's help, today. I told you that the operation had changed, and that it was different than the one originally planned - I told you this, dearest, because I did not want to worry you. It was very hard for me to not tell you the truth, but I preferred this than to cause you worry. (The Gemara syas one may distort the facts for the sake of peace - "Meshanin mipnei hashalom," also the inner peace of someone you love more than anything on earth.)

My beloved, on one hand I feel that there is nothing more that I want than to be with you—to love you and to establish wiht you a home and a family. But on the other hand, there isn't anything that I would want more than to participate in this military operation and strike those terrorists a blow so strong they will never again even consider carrying out a terrorist attack. To do this there is a price that we must pay—and I am willing to be this price.

Don't be angry with me, my love, but at moments like this your feelings for Klal Yisrael are supposed to guide you—and you must relate to this evil as if your private life does not exist. "Men in King David's army divorced their wives before going off to war" (See L'emunat Iteinu—Part 4).

My beautiful one, my only distress is that you will be sorry; and that I will not be the one who will make you happy. Because there isn't anything in the world you deserve more. I therefore request, my beloved, that you should be happy! That you will be joyful, that you will love and that you will blossom—because that is what you deserve. I will always watch over you—and I will make sure that you will meet the man who will give you more happiness than I have given you.

My darling, everything that happens is ultimately for the best, and if this is the will of the Almighty, then that's the way it has to be.What is left for us is to accept it with love.

I want you to know that you will be my last thought at that momet when [what] will happen to me takes place. And I will leave this world with the knowledge that I was the happiest person I possibly could be—due to you. [It is] you who brought me to the highest summit of joy and happiness; and it is you who [helped] me to reach accomplishments that I only dreamed about.

I thank you for all the good and happiness you have inspired me with when we were together. It is not that we were together, but we are always together—we were together before we came into this world, and we are also together when we separate from it. Remember this, my dearest, we are always, always together, because the root of our souls is one.

'Kol ma d'avid Rahmana l'tav avid." Everythig is for the best, even this. I promise you that wherever I am, it is the most wonderful place. I am not suffering and I am not regretful. My only sorrow is the sorrow caused to those who are left behind—to you, the family and friends.

Please spread this message, my dearest, "Don't despair—be always happy." This is what I request of you, even if it is difficult. I know that I am able to ask this of you, because I know the natural happiness and joy that shines from within you always. It is your joy and happiness which I so much love in you.

Gadi Ezra died on April 4 in the battle of Jenin. The letter was provided by Dr. David Zangen of Hadassah Hospital, who was with him in his final moments.


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