Yad Achim Peula

פרטי הקובץ :

סוג פעולה : פעולה בשפה: אנגלית

גילאים 8 - 14

גודל קבוצה 5 - 30

משך הפעולה : 60 דקות

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הערות ותגובות

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האם הורדתם פעולה זו ויש לכם במה לשתף אחרים?
זה המקום!

מטרת הפעולה


  • To learn the Bnei Akiva anthem
  • To see how many important messages are in the song.
  • To discuss some of the dilemmas that are hidden in the anthem.
  • To play some fun group dynamics games

תוכן הפעולה

Yad Achim


  • To learn the Bnei Akiva anthem
  • To see how many important messages are in the song.
  • To discuss some of the dilemmas that are hidden in the anthem.
  • To play some fun group dynamics games


General info for the Madrich:

In this peulah we have brought many options of games and discussions.

All games and discussions are based on the words of Yad Achim.

Chose the ones that you feel are most suitable for your chanichim. Don’t even try to do it all just plan out your time in a way that you will teach some of the many messages brought in the anthem.


Layout of the info:

Peula plan                                                                     1

Words and translation                                                   2

Games                                                                          3-4

Ideas for discussions                                                     5

Deeper meanings of the anthem                         6-7

Discussions and thoughts based on the anthem:

The beloved youth                                                        8-11

Round our flag                                                  12-14

Aloh Naaleh                                                                 15-16  



Opening: the facts

Learn and explain the words – basic level

Play some games

Discuss some of the messages

Play some more games

Explain the deeper message of some of the lines.



The facts:

The movement’s anthem, YAD ACHIM, was written by Rav Moshe Tzvi Neria z”l, the first Madrich in Bnei Akiva. He is fondly known as the “father” of the “kippot ha’srugot,” for the generations of Religious Zionists which he so lovingly nurtured and taught.

He wrote the movement anthem during Chol Hamoed Succot 5692 (1932) at a gathering of Madrichim in Kfar Saba. The anthem soon spread to become one of the movements undoubted symbols.

The melody for the Himnon was composed by Michael Perlman z”l, a longtime member of Kvutzat Yavneh, and an authority on Ta’amei Ha’mikrah.  




The song that we sing so often is actually a guideline full of messages of our movement. We should respect this song knowing that many important ideals are taught in a poetic way in these few words.

The words of Yad Achim and their translation



יד אחים לכם שלוחה, הנוער החביב.

We reach out to you, oh beloved youth, with a brotherly hand.

על דגלינו כולכם חנו מסביב

Everyone, come and gather ‘round our flag!

יזהיר לכם כוכב תורה,

Let the bright shining light of Torah guide your ways;

דרככם סוגה בעבודה.

and may your path be filled with work-


בלב אמיץ, בעזרת  השם, עלה נעלה,

With courage, Be’ezrat Ha’Shem, we shall ascend,

קדימה בני עקיבא הידד במעלה.

Onward Bnei Akiva, to great heights!


מולדת זו ארץ אבות, ארצנו הקדושה.

Our Homeland is the land of our Forefathers, our Holy Land.

מידי אביר יעקב לנו מורשה.

We have inherited Her from the Might of Jacob.

ראשינו בעמקי תורתה,

Our minds are immersed in the depths of Her Torah,

כפינו ברגבי אדמתה.

our hands are clinging to Her soil-


בלב אמיץ, בעזרת השם, עלה נעלה,

With courage, Be’ezrat Ha’Shem, we shall ascend,

קדימה בני עקיבא, הידד במעלה.

onward Bnei Akiva, to great heights!


Optional game:

Cut up the lines and give each Chanich one line

Make them stand in a circle by the correct order

Have each Chanich explain his line.



Games based on the words of Yad Achim:


A brotherly hand

יד אחים לכם שלוחה הנוער החביב

Everyone stands in a circle holding hands, but facing out. They have to find a way to turn around, to face to the circle, without leaving their hands.


round our flag

על דגלנו כולכם חנו מסביב

There is an island (a chair or a point on the ground) in the middle of a circle of chairs/benches. On the island there is a flag, out of the chanichim’s reach.

The circle of chairs is the border, which they can’t cross. They need to reach the flag without going down to the floor (the sea) in the middle.

Can be done as a competition between 2 groups.


the bright shining light

יזהיר לכם כוכב תורה

The star shines on…

All players ar sitting on chairs in a circle except one.

The person in the middle has to try and sit on a chair.  He/she does this by saying: The star shines on anyone who…. (Fill in the blank=it can be anything-anyone who is wearing green, anyone who has an older brother, anyone who hates tuna fish… etc., as long as the person in the middle has the same thing). After saying that, everyone with the mentioned thing has to get up and change seats. The person in the middle had to find a chair for himself. When he gets a chair, someone else is left chair less.  Repeat.


your path be filled with work

דרככם סוגה בעבודה

Divide the group into 2-3 teams. Each team assigns a manager, vice-manager (sgan) and 3-5 workers. The goal is to build the highest construction within a limited time.

The manager can talk only to his sgan, and gives general instructions. The sgan gives detailed work assignment to the workers. The workers can’t talk. They must do what they are told. The manager and his sgan can see the work but can’t touch anything.


With courage, Be’ezrat Ha’Shem

בלב אמיץ בעזרת ה'

Peer pressure game-

One chanich volunteers to leave the room. The madrich shows the chanichim 2 pictures, one very nice and the other… then he explains to the chanichim in the room that they have to convince the chanich who left the room that the less nice picture is the prettiest one.

The chanich is called back to the room and asked which picture is nicer. He would say, of course, that the nicer one is nice. Everyone will say that the other one is nicer.

He’ll need to have courage to go against peer pressure.


we shall ascend

עלה נעלה

Divide the groups to teams that will have to build a human pyramid.




Our Homeland is the land of our Forefathers, our Holy Land

מולדת זו ארץ אבות ארצינו הקדושה

We draw a map of Israel on the floor. The Madrich says a name of a place from all around the world. If it’s a place in Israel they’ll have to jump into the map. If it’s a place anywhere else in the world, they’ll have to jump out of the map. Anyone who jumps to the wrong side leaves the game. The chanich who stays in last – wins.


We have inherited Her

מידי אביר יעקב לנו מורשה

The chanichim sit in a line. The first in line whispers a word into his neighbour’s ear. He second whispers what he heard into the third person’s ear, and so on. The last person has to say the word out loud.  Many times the word will be different than the original one. Then we go backwards to find where the mistake occurred.


Our minds are immersed in the depths of Her Torah

ראשינו בעמקי תורתה



our hands are clinging to Her soil-

כפינו ברגבי אדמתה

Representatives from the 2 groups play twister on the map of Israel. They will have to put their feet and hands on different places on the map.





Equipment & Props:







Optional discussions in Yad Achim


This is a list of suggestions to topics for discussion based on the words of Yad Achim.  Some of them are easer and you shouldn’t need background info and some are more complex. The ones that are marked with a * have an attached page with ideas for the discussion.




Should we do Kiruv in Bnei Akiva of north America or not?

יד אחים לכם שלוחה

* Why are youth beloved, the power of youth, are we a youth movement?

הנוער החביב

* How to spread the message of Dvar Hashem: teach it  or Dugma Ishit?

על דגלנו כולכם חנו מסביב

Why is a brave heart needed in Bnei Akiva?

Do it because it’s right, although it will be more difficult.

בלב אמיץ

* Should we make Aliya or emphasize learning more torah in Galut? – based on Kalev Ben Yefuneh.

עלה נעלה

Mashiach Ben Yosef is the physical redemption, are we happy with what we have (the state) and what should we do to accelerate the spiritual Geula?

אביר יעקב

Torah of Israel vs. Torat Chutz LaAretz – what’s the difference and why is that important.

בעמקי תורתה

Work for your own food, as an ideology, don’t depend on others rather have your own profession and help society by working.

ברגבי אדמתה


פעולות דומות ניתן למצוא גם בקטגוריות הבאות:
» הכל > בני עקיבא > אידיאולוגיה
» הכל > בני עקיבא > על התנועה, מושגיה וסמליה
» הכל > בני עקיבא > כללי
» הכל > בני עקיבא > תנועת נוער
תגובות הגולשים: