Tishrey Trivia - טריויה לחודש תשרי

פרטי הקובץ :

סוג פעולה : משחק בשפה: אנגלית

גילאים 10 - 14

גודל קבוצה 5 - 30

משך הפעולה : 15 דקות

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Tishrey Trivia- ENG.doc (28 KB)

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מטרת הפעולה
30 Q about Tishrey & the holidays

תוכן הפעולה

Tishrey Trivia

  1. What month does rosh hashana fall in? (elul)
  2. What month does yom kippur fall in (tishrei)
  3. True or false – we blow the shofer EVEN if rosh hashana falls on shabbat
  4. What is the last prayer service that we do on yom kippur called?
  5. What are the 10 yemei teshuva and when are they?
  6. True or False, sefardim say slichot starting with the 1st day of elul
  7. Name something that we do special in elul that we don’t do the rest of the year in davening
  8. What is tashlich?
  9. The 13 midot of hashem is the main part of slichot, name one of them
  10. T or F – Hashem told moshe that whenever the jews say the 13 midot of Hashem, they will be forgiven
  11. Why do we did apples in honey?
  12. Name a food we eat special on rosh hashana
  13. Why do some ppl eat fishes heads on rosh hashana? (so that we should be like “heads”, important, in the new year and not like tails).
  14. What animal does a shofar come from? (ram)
  15. What story in tanach is the shofar supposed to remind us of (who else had something to do with a ram)
  16. Name 1 of the 3 parts of the rosh hashana shmoneh esreh (malchuyot, shofarot, zichronot)
  17. Make the correct sound of shvarim
  18. Make the correct sound of teruah
  19. Make the correct sound of tekiah shvarim teruah
  20. How many times do we blow the shofar on rosh hashana – (100)
  21. Who got swallowed up by a whale in tanach? (yonah)
  22. Do we read his story on rosh hashana or yom kippur? (y”k)
  23. When do we start fasting for y”k, the nite b4 or the morning of? (nite before)
  24. What color are u supposed to wear on y”k?
  25. what are kaparot?
  26. what can u use for kaparot (chicken or money)
  27.  how many seeds do ppl say that a rimon/pomegranate has?
  28. name a greeting u would say to someone if u met them on rosh hashana morning?
  29. what fast day is rite after rosh hashana?
  30. what does teshuvah mean in English?
  31. True or false, we blow the shofar after davening for the whole month of elul?

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