Teamwork- Shabbat Parashat Pinchas - עבודת צוות- שבת פרשת פנחס

פרטי הקובץ :

סוג פעולה : פעולה בשפה: אנגלית

גילאים 6 - 14

גודל קבוצה 10 - 50

משך הפעולה : 45 דקות

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מטרת הפעולה

Goal: to teach the kinderlach more about Ben Adam l’chavero and specifically teamwork. Sure one or two people can make or break a team but that’s not the point and we don’t want them finding that out for at least two or three years. Most of it is gonna be games that they can play and the message of those games is teamwork. If the kids aren’t bright enough to understand the game at least make sure they understand the message.

עזרים נדרשים

Materials: 4 way tug of war rope


תוכן הפעולה

Peulah for Shabbat Parshat Pinchas

5763 Avodah

Snif IV

Written By: Jack Gottesman, merav katz

Goal: to teach the kinderlach more about Ben Adam l’chavero and specifically teamwork. Sure one or two people can make or break a team but that’s not the point and we don’t want them finding that out for at least two or three years. Most of it is gonna be games that they can play and the message of those games is teamwork. If the kids aren’t bright enough to understand the game at least make sure they understand the message.

Suggested Age: Aleph, zach (at some point you may have to split up the boys and girls)

Suitable for Shabbat

Materials: 4 way tug of war rope




-                           Have all the kids get in a group kinda like a mosh pit

. Each kid holds another kids hands. The kids to different people in the group. Then they have to untangle themselves with out letting go of each other’s hands. They have to make a circle with out letting go of their friend’s hands. It’s very hard for the kids and it's funny for us to watch.


-                           The next game is to have them make a pyramid in under two minutes. This game is pretty easy and involves a whole 'lotta teamwork.


-                           4 way tug of war (instead of the classic 2 teams, there are four, each pulling in their own direction.  Note: this version is not a game of strength, rather guile and teamwork)



-                           At the end of the Peulah what you need to do is explain what the message is in each one of the games. Talk to them about helping each other out and seeing every one in the group and accepting everyone and how friends don’t let friends drive drunk. Tell them to be accepting even to kids who are less cool or good looking than they are.


-                           If all of the above has failed and the kids are wild and crazy just play Zap Zorch. Even if all of the above hasn’t failed feel free to play Zap Zorch.



-                           Israel is good. Really good. We love the Israel.



הערות כלליות

(at some point you may have to split up the boys and girls)

Suitable for Shabbat

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