The Fruit Of Israel - פירות שנשתבחה בהם הארץ
סוג פעולה : הצגה בשפה: אנגלית
גילאים 7 - 12
גודל קבוצה 20 - 30
משך הפעולה : 15 דקות
מטרה: הכרות עם הפרות שנשתבחה בהם ארץ ישראל תוך התייחסות למעלות המיוחדות של כל פרי במסורת היהודית ובציונות.
שקיות אשפה כגולות ואטומות.
תלבושות: ענבים - בלונים סגולים/ירוקים
אבוקדו - גלגל ים
תפוז – כרית, סוודר כתום רחב, כובע קש רחב שוליים/כובע טמבל. זית – בגדים בצע זית, עלים מבריסטול ירוק.
תקציר ההצגה: כמה מפירות ארץ ישראל נשכחו בשקית אי שם בארץ.. עם רדת החשכה, התעוררו הפרות לחיים והחלו מתווכחים מי חשוב יותר ועל כן ראוי לצאת ראשון מן השקית.
Narrator: Josh and Alanna went to the market in Machne Yehuda to get fruit for Tu’ Beshvet. On the way back form the store they stopped to play and forgot the package of fruit.
Arielle: (at the store) Let’s get some special snacks for the Tu B’Shevat Party.
Alanna: Cool! I will get some chips and Bamba and some Chocolate. I love those snacks
Arielle: No no NOOOOO! Not those kinds of snacks. Ema said we have to get the special fruit for Tu Beshvat. You know the fruits from the Pasuk in the Torah that named
Alanna: Oh Yeah, I see some grapes and dates over there.
Arielle: Finally. Let’s get some oranges and avocados too.
Alanna: What are talking about they are not in the Pasuk????? And you didn’t let me to buy the Chocolate….
Arielle: I know but they are special to the state of
Alana: OK. Got them. Let’s pay
Arielle and Alanna pay and head home. They stop by a park and start playing,. They put down the bag. Then suddenly they look at their watches and make a surprised look and they run home, but they left the package of fruit.
Narrator: The bag of fruit starts arguing about which is the most important fruit
Grapes: Hey watch it stop pushing, I bruise easily.
I am the grapes and I am the most important. I am the only one with a special blessing
My juice is used for kiddush on Shabbat and Chagim I am also used for Brit Milah , weddings, and other celebration. Besides purple is the best color.
Olive: I am an olive and
I am the most important and I should go first.
I was used for oil to light the Menorah.
A branch of the olives tree is a symbol of peace.
From the day the dove brought me back to Noah‘s ark after the flood.
Orange: I am the orange.
I am the most important fruit; I was planted by the first olim
I was planted in the desolate fields in
I have become the symbol for (all the fruit growing in
I am bright, tasty and healthy snack for everyone to eat
Avacodo: Hey what is all the complaining about?
I am the avacodo. I am like a new immigrant, wide eyed and excited to be in the land. I am like a son that came home, I wasn’t grown in
We are all part of
Each one of us has an important role to fill for the Jewish people.
We must all walk together. Come
» הכל > חגים ומועדים > טו' בשבט
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הורד: 1827
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