Shabbat Exile & Redemption - שבת גלות וגאולה

פרטי הקובץ :

סוג פעולה : פעולה בשפה: אנגלית

גילאים 14 - 17

גודל קבוצה 6 - 40

משך הפעולה : 120 דקות

פרטים נוספים...

הערות ותגובות

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האם הורדתם פעולה זו ויש לכם במה לשתף אחרים?
זה המקום!

מטרת הפעולה


  1. The chanichim will understand that redemption is a product of the combined effort of both God and ourselves.
  2. The chanichim will understand that גלות isn't necessarily a dark, sad bad place, rather a situation when one is distanced from his origin, his real self, his natural state. For example, Am Yisrael's natural and ideal state is living as a nation in Eretz Yisrael. Am Yisrael's essential way of life is by the Torah. Not being connected to those two puts Am Yisrael in a state of גלות. 
  3. The chanichim will understand that Am Yisrael is one unit, an organic being, and inseparable.

תוכן הפעולה

שבת גלות וגאולה


  1. The chanichim will understand that redemption is a product of the combined effort of both God and ourselves.
  2. The chanichim will understand that גלות isn't necessarily a dark, sad bad place, rather a situation when one is distanced from his origin, his real self, his natural state. For example, Am Yisrael's natural and ideal state is living as a nation in Eretz Yisrael. Am Yisrael's essential way of life is by the Torah. Not being connected to those two puts Am Yisrael in a state of גלות. 
  3. The chanichim will understand that Am Yisrael is one unit, an organic being, and inseparable.


מפקד: The madrichim will act out The Wizard of Oz, focusing on the fact that all the participants are hoping the Wizard will solve their problems.

טיש: End the play, showing how each one actually ended up mending their own issues out, and that the Wizard didn't play much of a part.


  1. Skit about a smart, popular, pretty, talented American teenager, who gets an assignment to write a paper on גלות. She falls asleep while writing and these two angels come in one wearing black and the other wearing white. They kind of make a display of all the associations one has with these terms. גלות: deep raspy voice, sadness, exile, death, black… exc.
  2. Divide the group into two teams- גלות וגאולה, and have the following races:
  • Relay races where the runners need to pick the word that belongs to their group.
  • The two groups compete who puts historical events to do with גלות and גאולה in the chronological order in silence.
  1. Back to the skit- the girl concludes that גלות is a term used when times are bad and גאולה is the opposite.
  2. Split into 6 groups:
    • Play Moon- one kid goes out and the group decides to answer truth only when the question is about the person himself and not about something external to him. For example, I'm wearing a black skirt is external, where as I'm kind is internal, anything Jewish is internal and so on. The kid comes back in and asks questions about himself and needs to figure out what the rule is.
    • What is גלות? Discuss… bottom line for this פעולה is that it means when someone is distanced from his original self, like being taken away from your Judaism, or Eretz Yisrael.
    • Give out cards with cases and discuss if the story is גלות or גאולה.


  1. Stand in a circle where everyone holds part of a circular rope. They need to go down together, get up together, every other one leans in, and all pull out, exc. Then explain that that's the way Am Yisrael is one organic unit, which you hold on to if you want to stay a part.
  2. Play Twister- girls and boys separately. Each color is a country.
  3. Conclude that it's impossible for one being to be in separate places in the same time, and that Am Yisrael needs to be together in Eretz Yisrael.


Slow Shira: Tell the story of ר' נחמן :

         פעם אחת נפל בן מלך אחד לשיגעון, שהוא תרנגול הודו הנקרא 'הנדיק'.

         וצריך הוא לישב ערום תחת השולחן ולגרור חתיכות לחם ועצמות כמו הנדיק.

         וכל הרופאים נואשו מלעזור לו ולפראותו מזה.  והיה המלך בצער גדול מזה. עד שבא חכם אחד ואמר: אני מקבל על עצמי לפראותו!    והלך והפשיט גם כן את עצמו ערום וישב תחת השולחן אצל בן המלך הנ"ל וגם כן גרר פרורים ועצמות. ושאלו בן המלך: מי אתה? ומה אתה עושה פה?

     והשיב לו: ומה אתה עושה פה?

     אמר לו: אני הנדיק!

         אמר לו: אני גם כן הנדיק!

   ו   ישבו שניהם יחד כך איזה זמן, עד שנעשו רגילים זה עם זה.

       ואז רמז החכם לבני הבית להשליך להם כותנות.

  ו    אמר החכם 'ההנדיק' לבן המלך: אתה חושב שהנדיק אינו יכול לילך עם כתונת? יכולים להיות לבוש כתונת, ואף על פי כן יהא הנדיק! [י"ג תוספת: כי במקום אחד ראיתי הנדיקעס לבושים בכותנות].

          ולבשו שניהם הכותונות.

          אחר איזה זמן רמז והשליכו להם גם מכנסיים.

          ואמר לו החכם גם כן כנ"ל: אתה חושב שעם מכנסיים לא יכולים להיות הנדיק?! וכו'. עד שלבשו המכנסיים. וכן עם שאר הבגדים.

       ואחר כך רמז והשליכו להם מאכלי אדם מהשולחן.

       ואמר לו: אתה חושב שאם אוכלים מאכלים טובים איז מען שוין קיין הנדיק נישט?! מען קען עסן און אויך זיין אהנדיק! 

  ואכלו ואחר כך אמר לו: אתה חושב, שהנדיק מוכרח להיות דוקא תחת השולחן?! יכולים להיות הנדיק ולהיות אצל השולחן! התנהג עמו, עד שרפא אותו לגמרי.


Message: The prince was in גלות, he was crazy, he thought he was a chicken and yet he wasn't. The wise man was able to help him learn how to be a human again, We all are a it crazy and think that we are things we aren't. For example, if we live in America we think we're Americans, but were really Jews and Jews belong in Israel. So we need a wise man to help us remember what we really are and where we belong, so we can have גאולה, and be redeemed.


































חוץ לארץ

ארץ ישראל






מדינת ישראל


























Historical events גלות:

Egypt: Pharaoh enslaved the Jews for 400 years, throwing the male babies to death in the Nile. He forced women to do physical labor, killed Jewish babies in order to bathe in their blood, and tortured the Jews in many cruel ways.

Assyria: The king of Assyria and his army invaded the kingdom of Israel, conquered the northern capital city of שומרון and exiled the ten Jewish tribes to Assyria and from there to all corners of the earth. 

Babylon: נבוכדנצאר the king of Babylon conquered Israel set Jerusalem in siege, during which woman ate their children from hunger and thousands died. Three and a half years later they succeeded in braking through the wall of Jerusalem and destroying בית המקדש.  

אחשווראש and המן : אחשווראש and המן devised an evil plan to kill all the Jewish citizens of the empire of Persia, including men, women and children all in one day.

Greeks: The Greeks conquered Israel and brought their culture into the Jewish community, distancing the Jews from their religion and from God. They placed an Idol in בית המקדש and ordered the Jews to bow down to idols and prohibited keeping the Torah.

Romans: The Romans conquered Israel and the rulers that were in charged of Judea stole money from בית המקדש, killed Jews and were extremely cruel toward the Jewish community. Later on, they burned down בית המקדש.

Crusades: Groups of Christians left Europe on their way to redeem sites in the Holy land. On their way they passed through Jewish towns murdering, raping and burning down entire Jewish communities. 

Spanish Inquisition and Expulsion: Queen Isabella and Kind Ferdinand of Spain ordered the expulsion of Jews from Spain. In the process many Jews were tortured and burned at the stake.

The May Laws סופות בנגב: A new set of laws set by the Czar Alexander, not allowing Jews to study at universities, work in certain professions, and live in major cities in Russia. These laws brought on pogroms, killing and injuring many Jews.

The Holocaust: Hitler the leaser of Nazi Germany rounded the Jews from all across Europe into ghettos and exterminated more than six million Jews by shooting, starving and gassing them.





Historical events גאולה:

Egypt: God plagued the Egyptians with the 10 מכות, and took בני ישראל from their lives as slaves to become a free people in the Dessert. God Split the Red Sea before בני ישראל  and saved them once again from the Egyptian army chasing them.

Coming into Eretz Yisrael: Yehoshua took בני ישראל into Eretz Yisrael by splitting open the Jordan River. The next 14 years they spent conquering Eretz Yisrael and settling the land through miraculous victories.

חזקיהו: After conquering שומרון the Assyrians came toward Jerusalem and planned on conquering it, destroying בית המקדש and sending all the Jews to exile. חזקיהו woke up the next morning and found the Assyrian camp filled  with dead soldiers. Jerusalem was saved.

Mordechai and Esther: Mordechai and Esther fasted and prayed for three days for the nullification of the laws of Haman. Esther endangered herself and went to אחשווראש for mercy, and in the end Haman was killed and the Jews were saved.

Ezra and Nehemiah: At the end of 70 years in Babylon, The Jews were allowed to return to Israel. Their leaders, Ezra and Nehemiah took many Jews to Israel and they slowly rebuilt בית המקדש.

The Aliya of the students of the גר"א: The גר"א sent his disciples to Eretz Yisrael and they settled in צפת and Jerusalem. They established communities and developed Torah life in Eretz Yisrael.

The First Five Aliyot: The five Aliyot before the state of Israel consisted of thousands of Jews from Europe and North Africa that came to Israel to settle the land as part of their Zionist ideology.

Aliya Bet: Between the second world war and the declaration of the state of Israel, the British made it illegal for Jews to come to Israel. The Jewish underground brought in Jewish immigrants illegally, via water, air and land, under the British noses

The Establishment of the State of Israel: The state of Israel was established in Palestine, after close to 2000 years of no Jewish state or government. The state was called ישראל.

The Victory of the Six Day War: The Jordanian, Egyptian, Syrian and Iraqi armies were determined to destroy the state of Israel and throw all the Jews into the sea. The IDF fought against these countries on many fronts and in six days conquered many territories in Israel including the כותל.



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» הכל > עם ישראל > כללי
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