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G.11. Who Started The Motion?
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Resource Type: Game in: English
Age 10 - 18
Group Size 10 - 58
Estimated Time: 45 minutes
This just has to be the classic "guess the rule" game that everyone knows and is therefore good for creating tempo before starting an activity..
G.11. Who Started the Motion?
This just has to be the classic "guess the rule" game that everyone knows and is therefore good for creating tempo before starting an activity..
Have the group form a circle. One volunteer (A) leaves the room.
The leader chooses someone to start the motion such as slapping, tapping feet, waving, etc.
Practice: Everyone watches the starter and changes motions when s/he does, while appearing not to watch her/him.
The group continues playing and the leader calls “A” back in. "A" has to guess who the starter is.
Use blindfold and sound, instead of motion.