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B.10. The Magic Circle
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Resource Type: Game in: English
Age 10 - 18
Group Size 10 - 58
Estimated Time: 45 minutes
B.10. The Magic Circle
The magic of this activity is that it engages everyone in issues concerning group life in some way in a productive manner, but it is random and unthreatening. On the one hand, no one is allowed to answer his or her own question – yet everyone gets to raise a question openly and hear a variety of solutions to this and other problems.
The group sits in a circle. Anyone can start the exercise by asking a question, or posing a problem, without suggesting an answer.
The person sitting to the left of the person who posed the problem then offers a solution and describes another problem.
The person to his or her left follows by answering the last question and posing a new problem.
This continues around the circle, so that everyone has a turn.
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