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Indoor Track Meet
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Resource Type: Game in: English
Age 10 - 18
Group Size 10 - 55
Estimated Time: 45 minutes
TYPE: Active
The players are divided into teams and they must compete in the following events:
1) Shotput- The "shot" is a balloon; the farthest throw wins.
2) Javelin throw- The "javelin" is a straw; the farthest throw wins.
3) Discus throw- The "discus" is a paper plate; the farthest throw wins.
4) Broad jump- On one foot; the farthest jump wins.
5) Running broad grin- Grin as wide as possible; the widest grin wins.
6) 50 Yd. dash- Run any distance with a peanut or paper plate on the player's head.
7) Basket throw- A can is the basket and the ball is a crumpled piece of paper.