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Shlomit Bone Sukka - äùéø ùìåîéú áåðä ñåëä áöéåøéí
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File details:
Resource Type: Treat in: Hebrew
Age 6 - 10
Group Size 1 - 100
Estimated Time: 15 minutes
ùÀÑìåÉîÄéú_áÌåÉðÈäÌ_ñËëÈÌä.doc (702 KB)
Resource Goal
äùéø ùìåîéú áåðä ñåëä òí öéåøéí åîéìåú äùéø áòáøéú åàðâìéú
Resource Contents
Shlomit is building a sukkah
Full of light and greenery
that’s why she's so busy today. It's not simply a sukkah
Full of light and greenery -
Shlomit is building a sukkah of peace ("sukkat shalom").
She won’t forget to lay out
the lulav and the myrtle leaves,
a green branch of willow,
a pomegranate within its leaves,
and all the fruits of autumn,
with its fragrance of orange groves.
And when Shlomit says:
Look! It's all done!
A wonder so sudden shall be.
All the neighbors will come,
and there will be room for everyone!
Then, through the Sechach
a diamond shiny star shall peek and say to all of us:
“Shalom, wondrous sukkah,
how fine and how pleasing it is -
that Shlomit build a sukkah of peace.
that’s why she's so busy today. It's not simply a sukkah
Full of light and greenery -
Shlomit is building a sukkah of peace ("sukkat shalom").
She won’t forget to lay out
the lulav and the myrtle leaves,
a green branch of willow,
a pomegranate within its leaves,
and all the fruits of autumn,
with its fragrance of orange groves.
And when Shlomit says:
Look! It's all done!
A wonder so sudden shall be.
All the neighbors will come,
and there will be room for everyone!
Then, through the Sechach
a diamond shiny star shall peek and say to all of us:
“Shalom, wondrous sukkah,
how fine and how pleasing it is -
that Shlomit build a sukkah of peace.
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!!!! äöéåøéí á÷åáõ äîöåøó