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Parashat Va’yikrah - ôøùú åé÷øà
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Resource Type: Peula in: English
Age 6 - 12
Group Size 10 - 50
Estimated Time: 45 minutes
vayikra-korbanot.doc (28 KB)
Goal: This week is a hard week to have a peula connected with parsha because it mostly talks about korbanot... however with a little creativity nothing is too hard.
1st explain to the chanichim the following... that you know we all say
’moshiach this moshiach that’ but few people actually are really waiting for it, and the main problem is they don't know what went on in the Beit Ha’Mikdash.
(The peula needs a little preparation, first make some kind of sign that
gives a name to the peula it always helps because the kids know you did not start preparing for the snif five minutes before. If the place you have
snif in has an available hallway that is ideal, or if you don't - use stacks
of chairs or portable michitzot to make a sturdy narrow passage. the more kids the more room you need but still keep it tight, less kids less room)
Show them the “bet Hamikdash” sign – meaning, this is taking place in Bet Hamikdash.
Start a race: Have all the kids at once start from the beginning of the walls to the end and back - all the kids at the same time, and whoever finishes first gets more snack or find some other incentive, and do it many times. as the peula goes on kids might get a little hurt or bounced around and some might get into fights w\ others etc.
then say everyone run up and back and whoever gets up
and back first - gets to clean up form snack today! the kids will most likely give you a strange look and assume you are kidding.
then explain to them that in the time of the beit ha mikdash unlike nowadays it was an honor to clean off the mizbe’ach after the korban. and they would have a race up the mizbe’ach and who ever got there first got to clean it. until one person got trampled and broke his leg. so they started doing it by lottery.
prepare a mini lotto type thing w\ numbers in a basket corresponding to numbers of people in the group. have the winners get extra snack or other incentives you think of.
this peula's purpose is to get the kids to know a little thing about the korbanot and most korbanot stuff is pretty dry but it gives them a taste that it doesn't have to be; and besides it encourages them to learn more about it on their own. And besides, a lesson is – don’t fight! Don’t hurt each other! Even if you really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really want to do something – don’t push others from your way in order that YOU will be able to do it.
Suitable for Shabbat