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Chevraya - Taf Peulah
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Resource Type: Peula in: English
Age 8 - 11
Group Size 5 - 30
Estimated Time: 90 minutes
Chevraya Taf Peulah
Hey guys here’s the peula:
We’re gonna start with a game of bang, because everyone likes bang!
Next we will play “Im going to
Now, we are going to teach the kids some background information about the early history of
Next is a game called “Immigration” One kid will volunteer, and he will be a british officer standing on the opposite end of the room of the rest of the kids. When he is ready, the madrich will yell “The british are coming!!” Then the kid will run to the other side, while the rest of the kids run to his side. Whoever he tags becomes a British Officer also. This continues until there is only 1 kid left from the “Jews”. He is the winner.
Then, if you have time, you can end with whichever game you choose: Wax museum, indian chief, steal the jewels…..
Shabbat Shalom!
Since this is my first week really writing the peulah, it may be a little unclear. Email me with any questions. Or call 464-4264.