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Peula - Yom Kippur
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Resource Type: Peula in: English
Age 8 - 15
Group Size 5 - 30
Estimated Time: 90 minutes
yom kippur.doc (20 KB)
All the "chanichim” standing in a circle, facing the wall. The “madrich/a” will pat a "chanich/a” head and he/she has to start talking to the wall and convince the wall why should it marry him/her (I love you, I smart , I pretty etc.). The “madrich/a” will pat more and more “chanichim” till all the “chanichim” will talk to the wall, all at once. The “madrich/a” will ask them to stop and sit down.
Now, she /he will introduce him/herself as an alien coming from outer space and say: “ I just came to earth, and saw a very strange ------ bunch of people which I heard call themselves something like –je- jo -jews maybe?! And they standing in front of a huge old wall and talking, and crying and moving in a strange way toward it. Do you have any idea what they were doing? “ The “madrich/a” will ask the “chanichim” how did they feel when they talked to the wall before. What is the difference between their conversation to the wall, and the Jews dawning near the “Kotel” ( if you didn’t get it yet. The wall which the alien was referring to was the Kotel…).
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