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Resource Type: Peula in: English
Age 14 - 17
Group Size 10 - 55
Estimated Time: 45 minutes
TVA_sicha 14_review.doc (20 KB)
To review the definitions and concepts discussed
Fill out the enclosed form - in one group or two groups and compare answers - and discuss the various concepts and events discussed during the previous sichot.
Project TvA
Kvutza ________________________ Eda ___________ Tzrif ____________
Madrichim ________________________________________
One hundred and fifty years ago Eretz Yisrael was ____________ and now it is ____________. The Jews living in Eretz Yisrael at that time were religious but did not believe in working the _______. They survived primarily on ___________ from chutz la'Aretz. When the chalutzim arrived, they believed in working the land and creating a Jewish State but they were not __________. The religious chalutzim believed in both religion and__________ the land. They called this philosophy _______________.
The religious chalutzim were willing to work with the non-religious Jews to _______ Eretz Yisrael and create a Jewish __________. In 1902 Mizrachi was formed to represent the religious Zionists. Later, the religious chalutzim formed a youth movement called______________.
Define the following terms:
Religious Zionist
Torah v'Avoda
List the names of the people who filled in the form _________________________________
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