B.10. The Magic Circle
Tipo de recursos: Juego Idiomoa: Ingles
Edad 10 - 18
Cantidad de participantes en el grupo 10 - 58
Tiempo estimado: 45 minutos
Vistas por tiempo:
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¿Descargaste el recurso y tienes algo para compartir?
Este es el lugar!
B.10. The Magic Circle
The magic of this activity is that it engages everyone in issues concerning group life in some way in a productive manner, but it is random and unthreatening. On the one hand, no one is allowed to answer his or her own question – yet everyone gets to raise a question openly and hear a variety of solutions to this and other problems.
The group sits in a circle. Anyone can start the exercise by asking a question, or posing a problem, without suggesting an answer.
The person sitting to the left of the person who posed the problem then offers a solution and describes another problem.
The person to his or her left follows by answering the last question and posing a new problem.
This continues around the circle, so that everyone has a turn.
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