
Achdut And Pesach

The Chanichim should understand that achdut does not need to mean that everyone must be the same, but that you can have many different individuals who still can make up a united nation.

Ages: 7-128607 viewsView DetailsView

Jew's Currents

 Corrientes del Judaísmo, Discurso de Salvador Moskovich, Judaísmo sionista laico,  Judaísmo Religioso sionista, Judaísmo Ultraortodoxo,  Judaísmo reformista.

Ages: 5-252396 viewsView DetailsView

Mitzvot Bein Adom Lechaveiro

·      To get people to be nicer to each other

·      To realise that it isn’t just a nice idea to be nice to each other but so much more

·      To learn that without loving yourself first there is no mitzvah

Ages: 12-1711433 viewsView DetailsView

The Tongue Is Like An Arrow

לא ניצן להחזיר לאחור דבר שנאמר

Ages: 7-1006925 viewsView DetailsView

The Tightrope

Rabbi Mendel Futerfass spent several years of his life in a Soviet labor camp. He later related that one of the ways that he kept his sanity was to constantly engage his mind in the Chassidic practice...

Ages: 10-1006636 viewsView DetailsView


The Center for Religious Services in the Diaspora
Education kits for download:

Tu Bishvat kit Tu Bishvat kit
Tu Bishvat kit which include- Peulot, presentations, videos, Dvar Tora, etc., in Hebrew and English

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Essays Regarding the Religious Significance of the Modern State of Israel