Bnei Akiva Olami
Center for Religious Affairs
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Elul Snake Quiz - çéãåï ìçåãù àìåì

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File details:

Resource Type: Game in: English

Age 10 - 12

Group Size 15 - 50

Estimated Time: 90 minutes

Further Details...


elul snake quiz peula.doc (54 KB)


Resource Goal
To review about chodesh elul

Required Props & Materials
pieces to represent each team

Resource Contents


Snake quiz / fifth - sixth grade

 Snake game board divided to numbers. The group splits in two-three small teams. Each team gets her own ____ . The “Madrich/a” will get the questions written on cards. Each team will choose a representative (this will be a competition so it is better to notify the kids about it’ so they could choose the fastest “chanich” as their representative), his job is to run and deliver the questions to his team each time. The three representatives will get the first question at the same time and run to their team. Together the team will try to find out what is the answer, and when they come to conclusion, the runner will run as fast as he can, and whisper the answer to the “madrich/a”. If the answer is correct the “madrich/a “ will give him the next question and will move the  _____ one spot ahead.

The first team that will reach to the end of the snake will be the                    WINNER.




"àðé ìãåãé åãåãé ìé"  "Ani Ledudi Ududi Li"

1. What are the initials of "ELUL"?

"àáéðå îìëðå" Avino Malkeno”                  "

 2. Special prayer where we ask  for forgiveness  


3. We ask for it at "Shmini-Atzeret                       


 4. Repentant , Tefila and zedaka transfer  it-          

"ä÷ôåú"   “Hakafot” 

5. 7 rounds around the shall- stage on "Simchat Tora”-   


6. The sixth day of Sukut"-

"åéãåé"  “Vidoi”

7. Said in "Yom-Kippur” ten times

“Sefer – Yona”    "ñôø éåðä" 

8. A book that is read at the "Haftara” on “yom-Kippur”

“Moshiv Haroch u’Morid -Ha’Gashem

"îåùéá äøåç åîåøéã äâùí

 9. Instead of "Morid Hatal” we say-

“Tefilat Ne’ila              

"úôéìú ðòéìä"

10. The pray that end "Yom-Kippur”

White wear

11. What do we use to wear on "Yom-Kippur”?

“Beit- Hamikdash” áéú äî÷ãù 

12. The place where "Am-Israel” went 3 times a year?

ëôøåú" “Kaparot”

13. A substitute for one person’s sins (chicken…)?


Leather shoes

14. We shouldn't wear them during "Yom-Kippur”

"   "úùìéê"   Tashlich”

15. A custom that has to do with our cloth pockets on “Rosh-Ha’shana”-

Snake quiz / fourth grade

Snake game board divided to numbers. The group splits in two-three small teams. Each team gets her own ____ . The “Madrich/a” will get the questions written on cards. Each team will choose a representative (this will be a competition so it is better to notify the kids about it’ so they could choose the fastest “chanich” as their representative), his job is to run and deliver the questions to his team each time. The three representatives will get the first question at the same time and run to their team. Together the team will try to find out what is the answer, and when they come to conclusion, the runner will run as fast as he can, and whisper the answer to the “madrich/a”. If the answer is correct the “madrich/a “ will give him the next question and will move the  _____ one spot ahead.

The first team that will reach to the end of the snake will be the WINNER.




1. Its head is eaten on rosh hashana eve.


2. We deep apple in it.


3. We ask for it at "Shmini-Atzeret                       

“Chol Hmoed”

4. Six days during "sukot"

"ä÷ôåú"   “Hakafot” 

5. 7 rounds around the shall- stage on "Simchat Tora”-   


6. The sixth day of Sukut"-

Vdodi li

7.  ani ldodi…


8. Four of them take place at “Chodesh Elul”

“Moshiv Haroch u’Morid -Ha’Gashem

"îåùéá äøåç åîåøéã äâùí

 9. Instead of "Morid Hatal” we say-

“Tefilat Ne’ila              

"úôéìú ðòéìä"

10. The pray that end "Yom-Kippur”

White wear

11. What do we use to wear on "Yom-Kippur”?

“Beit- Hamikdash” áéú äî÷ãù 

12. The place where "Am-Israel” went 3 times a year?


13. A special “Tefila” said during “Codesh Elul”

Leather shoes

14. We shouldn't wear them during "Yom-Kippur”

"   "úùìéê"   Tashlich”

15. A custom that has to do with our cloth pockets on “Rosh-Ha’shana”-







Related Resources can be found under:
» All > Games > General
» All > Jewish Holidays > Rosh HaShanna
» All > Jewish Holidays > Days of Repentance (Elul - Tishrei)