Bnei Akiva Olami
Center for Religious Affairs
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Israel Quiz

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File details:

Resource Type: Peula in: English

Age 6 - 9

Group Size 5 - 30

Estimated Time: 90 minutes

Further Details...


Israel Quiz - Taf.doc (21 KB)


Resource Goal
To teach the chanachim about the history and facts of Israel.

Required Props & Materials
- Sheet of Q's and Answers.

Resource Contents

Topic: Israel

Written by: Hadas and Rachel

Age Group: 1-3 grades




1. The country where all Jews can come live in is____________.


2. The colors of the Jewish flag are ______________.


3. The capital city of Israel is ______________.


4. Some of the Israeli national foods are ______________.


5. People go to pray and leave messages at the __________in



6. Name a famous Israeli.


7. The language spoken in israel ______________.


8. Name 4 cities in Israel.


9. Israel became an independent country in ______________.


10. The remains of Bet HaMikdash are the ____________


11. A Zionist is _______________.


12. Moving to Israel is called________________.


13. The southern desert in Israel is ___________________.


14. The lowest spot in the earth is _________________.


15. The first Prime Minister of Israel was _______________.


16. The northern-most city in israel is ___________________.


17. The southern-most city in israel is ___________________.


18. The city of gold is ___________________.


19. The holy cities in Israel are ______________.


20. The first women prime minister of Israel was ____________.









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