Bnei Akiva Olami
Center for Religious Affairs
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Teamwork - Taf

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File details:

Resource Type: Peula in: English

Age 6 - 9

Group Size 5 - 30

Estimated Time: 90 minutes

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Resource Goal
Teach the chanachim how to work together effectively.

Resource Contents

teamwork!!!!!!!  (I think that was anna's idea.  yay anna!!!)  So, here are a bunch of activities.  You might not be able to get to all of them, seeing as they will be hyper.  Just do your best, and pick out the ones you think are good.

1) Sardines (A messed up version of hide-and-seek.  One kid hides, and everyone looks for him/her.  When you find the kid, you hide *with* them.  The last kid to get into the hiding spot looses)

2) Chair race (I don't know how well they can pick up the folding chairs.  We'll just have to see...)

3) Indian Cheif (one kid goes out.  Everyone sits in the cirlce, and one kid is picked to be the leader.  The kid who left comes back and has to figure out who the leader is.  All the kids imitate the hand motions/rhythms of the leader)

4) Have each kid give you one of their shoes, then put the shoes into 2 piles.  They go into the group with their shoes.  Then each team has 5 minutes (time them) to make a team name, cheer, and human symbol

5) If you have extra time, let them play a game of their choice.


Related Resources can be found under:
» All > Bein Adam l'Chavero > Group Dynamics
» All > Bein Adam l'Chavero > Helping Others
» All > Games > Social Games