Bnei Akiva Olami
Center for Religious Affairs
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Scavenger Hunt

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File details:

Resource Type: Game in: English

Age 7 - 15

Group Size 1 - 100

Estimated Time: 120 minutes

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Scavenger Hunt.doc (3 KB)


Resource Goal
To do something fun and different with the chanichim.

Resource Contents

Bnei Akiva Scavenger Hunt


A few notes to the scavengers:

·        Many of these things you must have permission for.  We do not want to create a chilul Hashem.  Part of the game is getting employees to say yes.

·        The mall closes and the game ends at 9 p.m.  Please turn in finished rolls of film at that time.

·        Bonus points will be awarded based on creativity and well taken pictures

·        Partial Points will be awarded

·        **Note: if the whole group is specified, it means everyone!

Good Luck!


Take a picture of:

·        The guys or girls of the group in a bed

·        the feet of everyone in the group wearing the same shoes

·        a guy wearing the most expensive skirt in the mall showing the price tag

·        a guy sitting on Santa’s lap (unless Santa is a girl)

·        the entire group acting like mannequins in a store window

·        the screen of a security monitor with people in Chevrayah Bet on the monitor

·        the entire group having a tea party (with the cups and everything) sitting around a table

·        someone wearing the item of clothing with the most pockets

·        one person with the cheapest and one person with the most expensive shirt showing the price tag

·        as many people in the group as possible behind the counter serving an employee

·        a black krups

·        the most people you can get, posed

·        the entire group lying down on the floor in the middle of a store

·        the entire group hold the 5 biggest books (different ones) in the mall

·        everyone in the group with rings on all their fingers

·        someone dressed up in the hat and jacket of a security guard

·        a security guard wearing a kipa (bonus points for tzitzit as well)

·        the group with Steve Ersing, a manager of one of the stores

·        a live animal (excluding people)

·        an illegal immigrant


Bring back:

·        one Christmas ornament

·        What is the 15th word in the first new paragraph on page 73 in Walden by Thoreau?

·        a possible stick

·        something that has to do with Chanukah

·        the most expensive receipt

·        a shoe box

·        the most cups with logos from different places

·        Find out what                            is selling

Related Resources can be found under:
» All > Games > General
» All > Games > Social Games